116 N. Fariview
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116 N. Fariview

116 N. Fairview
Lansing MI 48912

send message (517) 214-1060 (TEL) map RoomSimple, LLC

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The house is a block away from a bus route that goes to MSU and downtown Lansing every 10 minutes (and drops you off and picks you up at all sorts of shopping places). So, you don't need a car.If you have a car, there is lots of parking in addition to a garage. It is only about a 3-4 minute drive or a 15-minute bike ride to MSU's main campus. It is also close to LCC, Cooley Law and Sparrow Hospital. The area is called Frandor and it is just East of hwy 127 a half block north of Michigan on Fairview.