701 Wabash
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701 Wabash

Lafayette IN 47901

send message (765) 387-7678 (TEL) map SmartDigs LLC

unit details
If you are looking for a unique home with an urban and industrial feel then check out this completely gutted and remodeled home just blocks from downtown Lafayette! This home offers 1450 square feet with 4 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms with a living room, kitchen, family room/office and a master bedroom with a full bathroom with walk-in shower and a large walk-in closet! This home offers many custom high end finishes that truly set it apart form other homes including solid 3/4" maple wood flooring, exposed duct work, LED lighting, 150 yr old reclaimed wood shelves in kitchen and more. All new electrical, spray foam insulation, full security system, Hidden Fastener metal roof...many more features.