448 Littleton St.
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448 Littleton St.

448 Littleton St
West Lafayette IN 47906

send message (765) 838-8840 (TEL) (765) 637-0606 (TEXT) map Titan Management Group, LLC

unit details
This house is tucked away from Littleton St and is surround by trees. The yard is a great size as well as the house! It is a 5 bedroom and 4.5 bathroom property with an attached 2 car garage.

This house only allows 3 unrelated tenants. An additional tenant must be related by 1st cousins or closer.

PARKING: There are only 2 cars allowed to park down near the house. All other guests and tenants must park on the street.
The Owner reserves the right to utilize one side of the garage during a tenancy.

Tenants are responsible for all utilities.