Salem Courthouse Apartments
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Salem Courthouse Apartments

3001 Courthouse Dr.
West Lafayette IN 47906

send message (855) 338-1814 (TEL) map Salem Courthouse Apartments

Salem Courthouse is conveniently located near Purdue University, as well as restaurants and great shopping, and has beautiful grounds featuring many mature trees and walking trails. Our 1 and 2 bedroom units offer great amenities, including a washer/dryer, various floor plans, ample closet space and a patio or balcony. You'll also want to take advantage of our tennis and volleyball courts, swimming pool, fitness center and clubhouse. We accept 2 pets per apartment.

1B/1B-$1016-1066; 2B/1B-$1156, 2B/2B-$1256 *pricing can potentially vary with unit location/floor*