9 North Salisbury
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9 North Salisbury

9 N. Salisbury
West Lafayette IN 47906

send message (765) 463-2008 (TEL) map Bhatia Properties

FALL 2019. GREAT LOCATION!! Beautiful 4 Large bedrooms with wood floors, walk in closets, great view of the city from the front porch, back door opens to the popular Chauncey shopping center, ONLY Corner and best location across from the popular Triple XXX. Renting now for next fall! New Furnace, water heater, appliances and free use of washer and dryer! GOES FAST... CALL NOW for appointment. (765) 463-2008.

Amazing location, low rent! Don't miss out!

Historic house, very spacious, with 4 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, washer and dryer, walk-in closets, front porch, and hardwood floor.