343 Sylvia Street
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343 Sylvia Street

343 Sylvia St
West Lafayette IN 47906

send message (765) 838-8840 (TEL) (765) 637-0606 (TEXT) map Titan Management Group, LLC

unit details
This house is located near the intersection of Sylvia and Grant. It is a 4 bedroom house split into two units. One unit has 2 bedrooms and the other has 2 bedrooms, but there can be access to either unit from the inside (door separation).

This house makes up the main level, upper level and basement floors of the house. The large kitchen is equipped with refrigerator, stove/oven and microwave. The washer and dryer is located in the basement.

Tenants are responsible for all utilities.

Price listed is per bed, but house must be leased altogether from one group on 2 joint leases (2 people per lease). Please call 765-743-5587 for details.