202-206 Pierce St.
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202-206 Pierce St.

202-206 Pierce St
West Lafayette IN 47906

send message (765) 838-8840 (TEL) (765) 637-0606 (TEXT) map Titan Management Group, LLC

Great location at the corner of W. Wood St. and Pierce St. Each unit has its own unique layout. Utilities included are gas (which supplies the water heater, heat and stove/ovens), water, sewage and trash. Management takes care of the lawn and snow removal.

Parking permits are given at no additional charge-however it is first come first serve.

Laundry can be done at the coin-op laundry room just across the street at 214 Pierce St.

No A/C provided. Window A/C units are acceptable. If the previous tenant leaves theirs then it is left for the next tenant's use.