223 W. Lutz Ave.
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223 W. Lutz Ave.

223 W Lutz Ave
West Lafayette IN 47906

send message (765) 838-8840 (TEL) (765) 637-0606 (TEXT) map Titan Management Group, LLC

Live right in the heart of campus with this multi-unit house that has two separate 2 bedroom and 1 bathroom units. The house is located near the intersection of Vine St. and W. Lutz Ave. There is a wide covered front porch and a gravel lot for parking behind the house.

Each unit does not have internal access to the other, but exterior entrances. Three unrelated tenants are allowed to stay in the lower unit (#1) for a small addition to the rent making a total of 5 unrelated tenants being allowed to occupy the home.

Unlike many houses there are some utilities included: water, sewage and trash.