Peppermill Village
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Peppermill Village

3303 Peppermill Drive
West Lafayette IN 47906

send message (765) 463-2576 (TEL) map Peppermill Village

You start to feel an exciting difference the moment you walk in, a special character reflected by a warm and welcoming atmosphere. It is easy to see that this is no ordinary apartment community. Lose your heart to the luxuries of Peppermill Village where you can select a one or two bedroom apartment or a two or three bedroom town home all of which feature neutral color schemes, fully equipped kitchens and private patios or balconies. The two bedrooms feature heart-warming fireplaces. All two and three bedrooms have their own washer and dryer. One bedroom units have access to on-site laundry. Come to Peppermill Village, where the old fashioned concern for comfortable, carefree and quality living will capture your heart. Call (765) 463-2576 to schedule your tour today!

Peppermill Village now has a waitlist for August of 2019!