Crestview II
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Crestview II

246 S Salisbury St
West Lafayette IN 47906

send message (765) 743-1881 (TEL) (765) 304-0001 (TEXT) map Crestview Apartments

Our remodeled one-bedroom apartment is located within a 9 minute walk to the Purdue Memorial Union. 624 sq. feet of space gives you enough room to add the comforts of your own home. Each apartment offers a kitchen equipped with the stove/oven, garbage disposer, microwave, refrigerator, and enough room to add a small kitchen table. Private off-street parking and a bicycle rack is available for Crestview residents & guests; community washer & dryer access is right across the way. The two block walk to the Chauncey Hill Mall makes it ideal to restaurants and night life. Call the leasing office at 765-743-1881 to see the apartment today!