105 Columbia at 105 E. Columbia - 4 BedroomUnit #3 Listing Apartment for Rent In West Lafayette, IN | ListingID 76241
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Unit #3 Listing

4 bdrm / 2 bath

105 Columbia

105 E. Columbia
West Lafayette, IN 47906
$2,860 (rented)

You can be at the center of it all at 105 Columbia! This building is perfectly situated on the corner of N Salisbury and Columbia Street! Down the street is the famous Triple XXX, one block away is the Village area shops, restaurants, and bars. Last but not least, two blocks away is the Memorial Union and Krannert. All this convenience can be yours without breaking the bank!

Residents cover their own electric, internet, and cable bills each month. Kitchens come equipped with all the major appliances; stove, microwave, dishwasher, and fridge too.

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