Capital City Movers NYC at 333 E 109th St - Studio / Efficiencystudio Listing Apartment for Rent In New York, NY | ListingID 75771
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Studio / Efficiency

Capital City Movers NYC

333 E 109th St
New York, NY 10029
Let our Chelsea movers be your handy partner during this major life event! You will never run out of supplies such as free moving boxes NYC, bubble wrapping, or some of the major tools most people don't even know they have to gather. Keep your relocation running smoothly by relying on free moving boxes NYC by your trustworthy Chelsea movers. We can deliver all of the necessary moving equipment at your doorstep so call us now and book your effort-free move!

We have professional furniture trollies and moving straps to make sure your relocation goes as smoothly and safely as possible. When you hire East Village movers for your residential move, we make the process easy and effort-free for you, and perfectly safe for your valuable belongings. We’ll treat fragile items with the extra care and protection they require and pack them with premium packing supplies. Capital City Bins listen to our clients’ needs. We will tell you the details of your moving plan before we start so that you can know that you have the best moving team for your residential relocation.
Phone: 718-619-4881

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