605 S. 9th Street - 3 Bedroom House for Rent In Lafayette, IN | ListingID 3672
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3 Bedroom

3 bdrm / 2 bath
605 S. 9th Street
Lafayette, IN 47901
$875 (rented)
3 bedroom, 1-1/2 bath, extra large, deluxe apt, hardwood floors on 2nd floor where 3 bedrooms, and laundry/utility room are, washer/dryer provided, berber carpet on 1st floor, ceiling fans, high ceilings, custom mini-blinds, off street parking, quiet neighborhood, central air, deck.

2 unit historic home on Ninth Street hill. All the character of an historic home with modern amenities. Hardwood floors, high ceilings, ceiling fans, original woodwork, off street parking, washer/dryer, central air, deck close to bus stop and downtown.
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